Youth Religious Education (YRE) at TUUC:
Where Curiosity, Creativity, and Community Thrive
Students must be registered to attend Nursery Care or YRE.
TUUC Student Registration for 2024-2025
Additional Information about our program can be found here:
TUUC is a dynamic, engaged community that strives to meet the needs of our congregation, no matter their age. We offer a program based on kindness, respect, and plenty of play. Our program is inclusive of all the beautiful varieties of humanity.
Please contact Kara Tyler, the Director of Religious Education (DRE), to discuss any questions, special needs, or concerns at tuucdre@towsonuuc.org or (410) 825-6045 ext 4.
Engaging children in hands-on, project-based learning inspired by our values and principles.
Making Faith
A hands-on, project-based approach to religious education that encourages questioning and play.
Get a Free Sample Activity or check out the For the Family page for more ideas.
Youth Group
Students in 6th–12th grade meet once a month on Sunday morning and for additional congregational or social events. Activities are directed by student interests.
Honest, accurate information about sexuality based on the 3Rs: Rights, Responsibility, and Respect. Free and open to all.
Coming of Age
The Coming of Age Program is currently undergoing revisions and will not be offered during the 2024-2025 church year.
Why do families choose Towson Unitarian Universalist Church?
“Fostering a community where all children know each other, feel safe, and look out for each other.”
“Supporting children and youth to find their own spiritual path.”
“Sense of a beloved UU community.”
“Special events that include the entire congregation.”
“Food, especially cheese.”
Want to Volunteer or Learn More?
See the Community Involvement page for more information or sign up to volunteer below.
Our programs are in line with current UUA Recommendations and trends in Post Curricular Religious Education: https://www.uua.org/lifespan/re-sources/thriving-re/working-re
Contact Kara Tyler, Director of Religious Education
Phone: 410-825-6045 ext. 4
Email: tuucdre@towsonuuc.org