TUUC New Program Policy & Application

TUUC strives to provide high quality programs for its members and the community. With the available resources, TUUC can support only a limited number of programs and projects and often must choose from among many worthy alternatives. Decisions on new programs proposed by members of the congregation will be made using transparent and inclusive procedures.

Policy Overview

This policy describes the process by which major new programs will be evaluated. Major programs, projects, or initiatives include the following:
1.    A program, project or activity that would require several hundred dollars of new funding or considerable volunteer time from 3 or more volunteers.
2.    A collaboration with a non-profit group, congregation, or coalition outside of TUUC.
3.    A program, project or activity that involves a legal agreement or memorandum of understanding and mutual obligations with an outside organization.
This Policy does not include fundraising, Congregation-Wide Social Justice Programs, or new programs initiated by existing committees within their existing budget levels.

The Program Council is Responsible for Reviews of New Initiatives

The Program Council, whose members have knowledge of TUUC’s priorities and resources and are involved in many of TUUC’s program areas, shall have the responsibility for considering new initiatives. Its evaluation of new initiatives will be based on factors such as the following:
1.    How well the proposed initiative supports UU principles and liberal religious values
2.    The extent to which the initiative is consistent with TUUC’s strategic plan and supports or advances its mission
3.    How well the initiative addresses an unmet need in the congregation or in our community
4.    The level of support TUUC members are willing to provide
5.    The level of resources required (funding, facility use, and staff and volunteer time) and the effect of the initiative on existing programs
6.    For activities involving outside organizations, the extent to which TUUC members support the values and goals of the outside organization, and
7.    Possible risks to TUUC, including legal, safety, security and health risks.

Process for Reviewing New Programs

The process that the Program Council uses to review a new program will vary slightly depending on its nature and scope of the major new program, project or initiative but will generally follow the steps listed below.
1.    The individuals or groups seeking evaluation of a new program, project or initiative submit a written proposal to the Program Council.
2.    The Program Council will discuss the proposal and will evaluate it using the factors listed above.
3.    The leader of the initiative will work with the Program Council to develop implementation plans.
4.    If the Program Council does not approve the program, it will explain the rationale for the decision. The proposer(s) may submit a revised proposal one year after the decision.


Further information on some of the steps is provided below.
Step 1: The written proposal must be submitted at least 10 days in advance of a scheduled Program Council meeting so that it may be distributed along with the agenda for the meeting. The proposal should address:
1.    The goals of the program and how it fits with UU Principles and Purposes, existing UUA resolutions, TUUC Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan
2.    A demonstrated need for the program, project or initiative
3.    Other relevant considerations, such as resources, staff and volunteer time, and estimated costs, and
4.    Who will lead the program, including the names of at least three other TUUC members committed to supporting it.
No commitment of human or financial resources may be made prior to the Program Council approval.

Complete the application below and submit. You will hear from the Program Council as soon as possible.