In accordance with our UU principles and values, we work for racial, social, environmental, and economic justice in our communities through our Social Action and Green Sanctuary teams. Scroll down to learn more about these teams and ways to get involved.

THE SOCIAL ACTION TEAM focuses the attention of the congregation on local and national social issues.  Our local work is done primarily by working with our community partners. Our Community Partners are Baltimore-based nonprofit agencies who share our values of justice, equity, and generosity.

Get Involved

  • Assistance Center of Towson Churches (ACTC)

    ACTC provides bagged lunches, fresh vegetables, and fruits, as well as boxes of food staples to the economically challenged in the Towson area. ACTC also provides financial assistance to prevent evictions and power interruption.  TUUC collects canned foods throughout the year and contributes to the Thanksgiving Basket collection every fall. 

    Website: www.actconline.info

  • BRIDGE Maryland

    BRIDGE MARYLAND is a non-profit interfaith alliance that uses relationship building, organizing, and leadership development to strengthen congregations with the goal of advancing justice in our communities.  

    Website: www.bridgemd.org

  • Earl's Place

    EARL’S PLACE transitional housing program, located in Baltimore City, provides an up to two-year program for seventeen men recovering from substance abuse and homelessness.  The program provides housing that is safe, clean, and secure. 

    Website:  https://cchbaltimore.org

  • Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood (MMTH)

    MENTORING MALE TEENS IN THE HOOD, founded more than 25 years ago at the New Shiloh Baptist Church, encourages young men in the inner city (ages 8 to 18) to stay in school, take pride in themselves, and set an example of positive behavior for others.

    Website: https://mentoringmaleteens.org

  • Out For Justice (OFJ)

    OUT FOR JUSTICE is a member-led organization with the mission to engage, educate, and empower individuals with criminal records in Maryland to create structural change through legislation, policy reform, and advocacy. 

    Website:  https://www.out4justice.org

  • Our Daily Bread (ODB)

    OUR DAILY BREAD provides a hot lunch every day for unhoused people in Baltimore City.  Our congregation has provided casseroles four times a year.  For those of our congregation who would prefer not to cook and freeze their own casseroles, a cash donation will enable us to purchase additional casseroles to donate.

  • Standing on the Side of Love

    STANDING ON THE SIDE OF LOVE is an interfaith public advocacy campaign that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. It is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association; all are welcome to join. The Standing on the Side of Love campaign elevates compassionate religious voices to influence public attitudes and public policy through community activism, social networking, and media outreach. 

    Website:  http://sidewithlove.org

  • Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland

    UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST LEGISLATIVE MINISTRY OF MARYLAND mobilizes UUs to advocate on priority issues before the MD General Assembly. We also provide weekly legislative updates in TUUC’s newsletter, The Threshold. 

    Website: www.uulmmd.org



The Green Sanctuary team meets monthly and promotes the UU Seventh Principle: respect for the interdependence of all existence, of which we are a part.  
To this end, we work for climate justice in the following ways:

Green Sanctuary Tips

Did you miss any Green Tips from previous issues of The Threshold? Would you like to access any of those previous tips? Now it is possible! Click on the links below:

General | Electricity | Food | Gifts | Household | Paper

Personal | Plastic | Transportation | Unwanted Items | Yard

Get Involved

  • Amazing Grace Community Garden

    We continue to cultivate our environmental justice partnership with Amazing Grace Church in East Baltimore, where we focus on food justice and creating an urban oasis by working in the food garden and helping to maintain the labyrinth and rain gardens. 

  • Neighborhood Sun

    Seek out and research ways to make TUUC more energy efficient and green.

  • Bay Wise

    BAY WISE: Have established rain gardens and bay scapes on TUUC grounds and promote use of native plants.

  • Environmental Issues

    Support and lobby for state and federal legislation on environmental issues. Share movies on environmental issues with the congregation.

  • Fair Trade Products

    We sell fair trade coffee along with tea, chocolate and nuts monthly to support small farmers and the use of fair-trade coffee at our Sunday coffee hours. 

  • Annual Earth Day Service

    As part of our church's mission to work for environmental justice, TUUC has been accredited as a Green Sanctuary since 2009. Each year we hold a service dedicated to saving the earth.

  • Green Tips

    PUBLISH GREEN TIPS weekly to encourage our members to "green" their daily lives. Find tips in the following areas: General, Electricity, Food, Gifts, Household, Paper, Personal, Plastic, Transportation, Unwanted Items, and Yard.

    Interested in how to create an easy compost? See video below.

Live Your Values

Check out the Justice Initiatives bulletin board in the church lobby. 

Financial contributions to further our work are greatly appreciated.

For more information about social and environmental justice initiatives fill out this form and someone will get in touch with you soon: