TUUC Community

Welcome Home.

Church Database

How to create a member profile in Breeze. Check out this video. Create an account link.

Members, friends, and attendees of TUUC are invited to Log In to our online church directory (BREEZE) - click here to Log In.

Membership involves making a financial contribution to keep our church running. We ask our members to pledge annually. Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30, and we normally ask for pledges in February to help us plan our budget for the coming fiscal year. For more information, go to our pledges and donations page.

TUUC's Email Bulletin Board 

You can connect to TUUC members and friends through our Email Bulletin Board. Ask questions, announce church and community events, offer things for sale or for free. If you need a babysitter or a gardener, this is another place for you to connect with your fellow UUs.

Subscribing is limited to current TUUC members and friends. To sign up, please send an email to churchoffice@towsonuuc.org.