The Practice of TRUST (with love at the center)
March 2
Art is a High Calling – Fears are Coincidental
10:30 AM
Rev. Clare L. Petersberger, Kara Tyler, Director of Religious Education, Maripat Schap, and Tracy Hall, Music Director and The TUUC Choir
In reflecting on the relationship between art and fear, David Bayles wrote, “Art is a high calling---fears are coincidental.” We are not all artists by vocation. But we are human and therefore are well acquainted with fear. Fear is being intentionally stoked in our national life. What can creating art, which begins with what we’re able to imagine, help us to overcome our fears? The author and activist Aurora Levins Morales observes, “My job is to …help us imagine a world where greed has no power, the earth is cherished and all people get to live safe and satisfying lives. Because once we truly imagine it, the pull to create it becomes irresistible.” What world are you imagining about our collective future? How can we help one another to create this vision?
March 9
Trusting Process
10:30 AM
(Spring your clock forward an hour Saturday night!)
Intern Community Minister SarahRuth Wekoye Davis and TUUC Musicians
Join us as we travel with Womanist Theologian Monica A. Coleman and Social Scientist John M. Gottman, in exploring Trust and answering the deep questions, who and what is it we trust? In difficult times, how to we find trust, when it is shaken? We look also to wisdom texts, and our collective lived wisdom, for answers to these hard questions of trust.
March 16
Only Purim Will Be Celebrated In The Golden Age To Come
10:30 AM
Rev. Clare L. Petersberger, Kara Tyler, Director of Religious Education, Andrew Hager, and Tracy Hall, Music Director and the TUUC Choir
Please dress as your favorite superhero today! Not only are we going to celebrate the end of our stewardship campaign, we are going to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim. The rabbis used to say, “One day, all the other holidays shall perish off the earth. Only Purim will still be celebrated in the golden age to come.” This may be because Purim deals with the question of justice---and how justice begins when we speak up against injustice. Come prepared to boo the villain and cheer the heroine and ponder how you, like Queen Esther, will speak up to save those without a voice or whose voices are being silenced. This is a holiday for such a time as this!
March 23
Youth Religious Education: In The Beginning
10:30 AM
Kara Tyler, Director of Religious Education, students in Making Faith, Tracy Hall, Music Director, and The TUUC Choir
Join us for a special worship service led by the students of Making Faith as they explore creation stories from around the world and what they teach us about trust, responsibility, and our connection to the Earth. Through storytelling, music, and reflection, our young leaders will share how these ancient narratives shape our understanding of ecology and our role as caretakers of the natural world. Come prepared to wonder, to play, and to celebrate the power of creation.
March 30
Emoonah and Us
10:30 AM
Rev. Clare L. Petersberger, Kara Tyler, Director of Religious Education, Tracy Hall, Music Director, and the Community Choir
Marcus Borg has observed that “The Hebrew word for faith in the Old Testament is emoonah.” If you try saying the word, you will notice that it sounds like a baby donkey calling/crying for its mother. Borg writes, “There’s something kind of wonderful about that. There is an element…I don’t know if you want to say of desperation in it or not, but there certainly is an element of confidence also that the cry will be heard.” How does this understanding of faith resonate with your own? The Assistance Center of Towson Churches was founded on the premise that the calls/cries of people who don’t have food to eat would be heard and answered by others in the wider community. Recently, ACTC purchased the building that was TUUC’s first spiritual home in Towson. Today, all undedicated gifts for our offering will be given to the Assistance Center of Towson Churches.