Make an
impact today

Members and friends may make a donation to support the good work of TUUC easily; just click here. Use the dropdown to select the correct fund.

PayPal users may send through PayPal to

Donate By Text to 410-834-0700

Donate by text is simple and easy. Example: Let us say you want to purchase Green Coffee Products; text the amount you are to pay followed by GreenProducts (ex: 50 GreenProducts).

Here are the preset fundname prompts:

amount + 2024-25 (ex: text "50 2024-25" to give to 2024-2025 Stewardship Campaign)

amount + 2025-26 (ex: text "50 2025-26" to give to 2024-2025 Stewardship Campaign)

amount + Auction (ex: text “50 Auction” to donate or pay Auction invoice)

amount + ACTC (ex: text "50 ACTC” to contribute to ACTC campaign)

amount + Building (ex: text "50 Building" to give to Building Fund)

amount + Christmas (ex: text “50 Christmas” to give to Christmas Offering)

amount + EP (ex: text "50 EP” to contribute to Earl’s Place campaign)

amount + GreenProducts (ex: text "50 GreenProducts" to give to Green Products)

amount + ODB (ex: text "50 ODB" to give to ODB Casseroles)

amount + Other (ex: text “50 Other” to give to Other and the put the purpose in the comments section)

amount + Plate (ex: text "50 Plate" to give to Plate Collection)

amount + SAC (ex: text "50 SAC" to give to Social Action Collection)

amount + ScottShane (ex: text “50 ScottShane” to give to Scott Shane Fundraiser)

Donations will go to General Fund unless otherwise specified.


If it is the first time you are donating by text, you will be given a link and asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with your phone number so that, in the future, all you will need to do is text in the amount and you will not need to re-enter your payment information.

“Looks like you are a new giver. Wonderful! Click this link to get set up (you’ll only have to do this once)” Click on the prompt.

If you have donated by text before, you will receive a text in response confirming that your gift has been received successfully and you are done.


give - Text 'give' to be prompted on how much you would like to give.

50 - Text '50' to give $50 (replace 50 with the amount you would like to give)

update - Text 'update' to change the credit card or bank account you give from or to modify recurring gifts you have set up by text

refund - Text 'refund' to refund the last text donation you made

50 weekly - Text '50 weekly' to set up a weekly gift of $50. Replace 50 with the amount you would like to give. You can also replace 'weekly' with 'biweekly', 'monthly' or 'yearly'.

50 fundname - Text '50 fundname' to give $50 to a specific fund. Replace 'fundname' with the keyword your church provides (see list above.) Replace 50 with the amount you would like to give.

unlink - Text 'unlink' to unlink your phone from the text giving service so that your phone is no longer authorized to make donations

Text amount to 410-834-0700