A Heartfelt Thank You

With a heart full of gratitude, we want to extend our sincerest thanks to you for your pledge today. Your generosity is a beacon of hope and an embodiment of the spirit that sustains the Towson Unitarian Universalist Church (TUUC).

Your pledge goes beyond a mere contribution; it is a vital lifeline that enables us to continue our mission of building a community grounded in love, respect, and justice. Every dollar pledged is a seed planted for the future, ensuring that we can keep our doors open wide to all, support our dedicated staff, and provide the programs that enrich our spiritual and communal life.

Because of your support:

·         Our children and youth can explore their spirituality in a nurturing environment, through our Youth Religious Education programs.

·         We can sustain and grow our outreach efforts, touching the hearts and lives of those beyond our walls.

·         Our cherished gatherings, whether in-person or virtual, will continue to be places of connection, learning, and inspiration.

·         We can care for our sacred space, making it a welcoming sanctuary for all who seek refuge, peace, and community.

Your pledge is a reflection of your commitment to our shared values and to the vibrant future we envision together. It is a powerful affirmation that, even in times of uncertainty, we can count on each other.

Please know that your gift is deeply appreciated and will be stewarded with care and responsibility. We are honored by your trust and your participation in the life of our church.

May we continue to grow and serve, inspired by the love and generosity that you have shown. Together, we are not just sustaining a community; we are nurturing a haven of compassion and connection for today and for generations to come.

With heartfelt thanks,

Tracey and Andrew