Music Ministry at TUUC

It wouldn’t be church without music, and it wouldn’t be TUUC without music that reflects the eclectic range of ideas and talents that a church like ours attracts. From Bach to bluegrass, Chopin to show tunes, you’ll hear it all at TUUC . . . and maybe help create it as well.

Our Music Director: Tracy Hall

Ms. Hall holds a B.M. in Piano/Music Education, an M.L.S. in Library Science, and an M.M. in Vocal Performance. Her most recent and lengthy voice study was with soprano Amy Burton (Metropolitan Opera, New York City Opera) in New York City. In addition to her musical experiences, she was a public librarian for 15 years.

Ms. Hall has extensive experience and training in opera, concert singing, private voice and piano teaching, and church music. She loves dancing; pop, soul, world music, and chant; and she is active in additional spiritual communities.

Please contact Ms. Hall if you are interested in helping with music in any way at TUUC. She is also available for private voice teaching.

Ms. Hall may be contacted by e-mail at

• TUUC Choir — Our Choir sings at church services and for special occasions from September to June, performing music that crosses a range of genres, including classical, gospel, international, Broadway, pop, folk, and the occasional novelty tune. The Choir rehearses on Thursday nights, and typically sings at two or three services a month. Newcomers are welcome—whether you’ve been performing in choirs all your life or have never sung to anything except your shower curtain, you’re encouraged to give it a try. Contact Music Director Tracy Hall to learn more.

 • TUUC Drum Circle — The TUUC Drum Circle meets monthly to explore hand drumming of various cultures and to enjoy the spiritual aspects of drumming together in a variety of ways. Meetings range from free-form jams to professionally run workshops. No experience is necessary to join, and you don’t have to own your own drum. For more information, contact Music Director Tracy Hall.

Lend Us Your Talents

Looking for an excuse to get your old saxophone out of the closet or relearn that piano sonata from high school? TUUC offers abundant opportunities for members and friends to share their music talents. These range from longer-term commitments (such as with the Choir) to one-time performances during church services. We especially appreciate help during the summer months, when vacation schedules kick in and our Lay Worship Associates coordinate services. Music Director Tracy Hall has a special skill for incorporating new talent. Contact her if you’d like to volunteer.

Rent Our Performance Space

Contemporary design, an idyllic setting in the woods, and most importantly, great acoustics make TUUC an ideal concert venue. Baltimore’s Handel Choir rehearsed here. The Tall Trees Concert Series and Music in the Great Hall held their performances in this space. To learn how you, too can make beautiful music in this great space, contact the TUUC Church Administrator at